Bitcoin vs Petrodollar

Bitcoin vs Petrodollar

Uncovering The Hidden Costs Of The Petrodollar

The world’s reserve currency relies on oil, dictators, inequality and the military-industrial complex. But a Bitcoin standard could change this.

By Alex Gladstein

Apr 29, 2021 – The world’s multipolar drift is inevitable. No one country can, in the near future, gain as much power as America had at the end of the 20th century. The U.S. will still be a powerhouse for a long time to come, but so will China, the EU, Russia, India and other nations. And they may compete in a new monetary system that moves away from the petrodollar and all of its costly externalities: a neutral Bitcoin standard that plays to the strengths of open societies, does not depend on dictators or fossil fuels, and is ultimately run by citizens, not the entrenched elite.

Universal Bitcoin Income?

Andrew Yang, the Democratic presidential candidate flirted with the idea of paying a Universal Basic Income (UBI) using satoshis.
> Andrew Yang’s UBI: A Universal Basic Income… Paid In Bitcoin?