Gender-Based Violence (GBV)
The terms gender-based violence (GBV) and violence against women (VAW) are often used interchangeably, since most gender-based violence is perpetrated by men against women. GBV, however, includes violence against men, boys, and sexual minorities or those with gender-nonconforming identities. As such, violence against women (VAW) is one type of GBV.
World Bank
World Bank to Introduce Contractor Disqualification to Strengthen Prevention of Gender-Based Violence
Nov 24, 2020 – The World Bank is now the first multilateral development bank to disqualify contractors for failing to comply with GBV-related obligations. These contractors will not receive Bank-financed contracts anywhere in the world for two years. After this period, the contractors will have to demonstrate their capacity to meet the Bank’s requirements for preventing GBV before receiving a new Bank-financed contract.
Feminist Pocketbook Tip Sheet 2, 2018
COFEM, Why does GBV programming focus on women and girls?
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Coalition of Feminists for Social Change, 2017, Series, Paper No. 2
COFEM, “Reframing language of ‘gender-based violence’ away from feminist underpinnings”
Feminist Perspectives on Addressing Violence Against Women and Girls.
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