Inaugural Lecture: Annick Wibben – Anna Lindh Professor of Gender, Peace and Security

Inaugural lecture of the first Anna Lindh professor of gender, peace and security: Annick Wibben
Introduced by Minister of Foreign Affairs Margot Wallström.

9 January 2019
Sverigesalen, Swedish Defence University, Drottning Kristinas väg 37, Stockholm

The lecture is followed by a conversation and Q&A with professor Wibben and Minister Wallström, moderated by Professor Robert Egnell, Head of the Department for Security, Strategy and Leadership.

Inaugural Lecture: Annick Wibben - Anna Lindh Professor of Gender, Peace and Security

About Annick Wibben

Before joining the Swedish Defence University as the Anna Lindh Professor, Annick Wibben was professor of Politics and International Studies as well as the director of the Peace and Justice Studies program at San Francisco University.

Her research is most frequently associated with the field of Feminist Security Studies, and her work traverses the fields of critical security and military studies, international theory, and feminist international relations and most recently feminist foreign policy.

She is currently the vice-chair of the Women’s Caucus in International Studies (WCIS), having just completed a period as chair of the Feminist Theory and Gender Studies (FTGS) section of the International Studies Association, for which she has served on the executive board since 2008. Professor Wibben holds a PhD in International Politics from University of Wales, Aberystwyth.

Annick Wibben

Professor Annick T.R. Wibben