Industry 4.0 - Germany's 4th industrial revolution

Industry 4.0 – Germany’s 4th industrial revolution

Industry 4.0 – Germany’s 4th industrial revolution

Apr 29, 2016 – Germany Trade & Invest proudly presents its newest short film on Industry 4.0 – Germany’s 4th industrial revolution. A revolution which promises to marry the worlds of production and network connectivity in an “Internet of Things” making the German strategic initiative “INDUSTRIE 4.0” a reality. The film shows which aspects of industrial production are to be disrupted by digitisation, how Germany is promoting the Industrie 4.0 concept, and the opportunities and investment potential that could arise in the coming years. Leading figures from industry, research and politics talk of their respective experiences and perspectives and paint a complete picture of the Industrie 4.0 concept’s current status in Germany.

Germany has set itself the goal of being an integrated industry lead market and provider by 2020. A number of important research institutions, technology clusters and industry actors are working to help make Germany’s INDUSTRIE 4.0 vision a reality.

The world is in a state of digital transformation. Boundaries between the real and virtual worlds are collapsing to create an Internet of Things. Ordinary objects and devices in the physical world communicate independently and exchange information online thanks to increased programmability, memory storage capacity, and sensor-based capabilities.

Germany Trade & Invest is the economic development agency of the Federal Republic of Germany. The organization promotes Germany as a business and technology location and supports companies based in Germany with global market information.