Mission Talita is an alternative gaming experience for GTA V. In standard GTA gameplay, there are prostitutes that can be exploited, abused, and murdered. With Mission Talita we introduce a modified version of the game, in which the players can support virtual prostitutes towards a better life, rather than exploiting or hurting them.

Sex trafficking and prostitution is a global issue driven by demand, with a turnover of over $99 billion a year. In Europe, more than 140.000 sex trafficking victims are being exploited every day.
In the city of Los Santos, prostitutes are exploited, beaten, robbed and even killed on a daily basis with no rescue in sight. Until now. Mission Talita is an alternate gaming experience for GTA V based on true stories from victims of prostitution and
trafficking. By changing the narrative, we give the women a new storyline while giving players insight into what Talita does and inspire them to do the same – help women out of prostitution.
About Talita
Talita is a non-profit organization that supports and assists women exploited in the sex trade. A big part of Talita’s work involves trying to shift the attitudes that fuel the demand for sexual services. By offering an alternative GTA V experience, we hope to provide an eye-opener about how our society and culture portray, talk, and think about women of prostitution IRL.
> missiontalita.com