Data Organizations

Welcome to the forefront of the Data Revolution, where organizations are harnessing the power of data to drive humanitarian action, sustainable development, and promote peace and justice worldwide. In an era defined by unprecedented technological advancement, data organizations play a pivotal role in leveraging information for positive social change. Join us as we explore the innovative strategies and impactful initiatives shaping the future of data-driven advocacy and transformational global outcomes.

Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data
STRATEGY 2024-2030

Data Organizations, Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data, STRATEGY 2024-2030

This year the world is midway on the 2030 target timeline of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

While there are pockets of progress to be celebrated and replicated, in many places the metrics are moving in the wrong direction. The world is collectively failing to meet targets to mitigate the effects of climate change and remains stubbornly unequal, while the interconnected and interdependent nature of the many crises we face is increasingly clear. We need to bend the curve before it is too late.

Data and technology will help us to make the progress we need, and changes are gathering pace everywhere.

Governments are investing in digital services, and corporate investment in artificial intelligence (AI) has increased more than sixfold since 2015. These are powerful new technologies, with data at their heart. Digital technologies’ ability to help drive equitable, sustained progress depends on the quality of the data being used and the effectiveness, transparency, and inclusivity of regulatory and data governance frameworks.

Research tells us that every $1 invested in data systems offers a return of $32, on average.

There are economic and social opportunities for those who can benefit from data, statistics, and digital technologies—opportunities to change lives for the better, solve emerging problems, and develop new solutions to age-old challenges. We want those opportunities to be available to all.

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Why the development ‘data revolution’ is further along than you thought

Big data analytics are already being used in developing countries in really interesting ways. Find out what Elizabeth Stuart, research fellow at the Overseas Development Institute, finds more striking about today’s data revolution.