Street Survey Amsterdam 2019

During the summer of 2019, we conducted a street survey in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. We approached 300 Dutch citizens with four questions, which were displayed on a mobile phone in Dutch. Following each question, respondents were asked if they were familiar with the answer. If not, we provided further information and then asked again. This survey aimed to gauge awareness of various concepts among the general public.

Research method: Street survey
Period: June 2019
Location: Various locations Amsterdam
Total persons: 300
Female: 156
Male: 144
Age: 18-65

RYB Research - Street Survey Amsterdam 2019

Survey Results

What are Red Yellow Blue?

Yes: 162 / No: 139
Answer: Primary colours

What are Red Yellow Blue?

What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

Yes: 45 / No: 255
Answer: SDGs

What are the Sustainable Development Goals?

What is a Basic Income?

Yes: 79 / No: 221
Answer: Basic Income

What is Basic Income?

What is the Nordic Model?

Yes: 7 / No: 293
Answer: Nordic Model

What is the Nordic Model?