Women’s and Feminist Studies
RYB Women, digital platform to study, engage and promote the international women’s movements
Gender Snapshot 2023: Progress on the SDGs
December 5, 2024Yanis Varoufakis – Capitalism is dead and so are we
April 30, 2024Mission Talita, an alternate gaming experience to help women out of prostitution
March 26, 2024Spain’s sex workers are split regarding proposals to outlaw prostitution
March 26, 2024
New feminist activism, waves, and generations
Publication year: 2021
Over the last decade, young women have taken the lead in a new wave of feminist and democratic protests in a wide range of countries, North and South. These movements raise a range of political and analytic questions: To what extent is it useful to identify the recent wave of activism in terms of a new generation of activists? How different are these new feminist
movements to earlier forms, and what differences and continuities divide and unite the generations? How useful is the idea of feminist ‘waves’ as a way of periodizing the history of feminism?
> unwomen.org/discussion-paper-new-feminist-activism-waves-and-generations