
Featured News

Lebanon At a Crossroads … Again

By Sarah El-Richani
Lebanon is not just dealing with the aftermath of the deadly Beirut explosion but also a full-blown economic and financial crisis.
Indeed, the devastating August 4 explosion that wreaked havoc in Beirut has come on the back of an unprecedented economic and financial implosion. Both the economic conditions and the harrowing blast, deemed to be among the largest non-nuclear explosions ever, are a direct result of political and economic corruption and mismanagement.
> thecairoreview.com/main-home-page/lebanon-at-a-crossroads-again/

The Autumn of Sectarianism

Feb, 2020 – By Bassel F. Salloukh
No matter the short-term outcome in this latest battle in a long Gramscian ‘war of position’ against sectarianism, something has changed irreversibly in Lebanon since 17 October, 2019. Whether they like it or not, whether they concede it or not, Lebanon’s sectarian political elite know that their grip over society is slowly, but surely, slipping away.
> lcps-lebanon.org

Understanding the Role of Women and the Feminist Actors in Lebanon’s 2019 Protests

Dec 2019 – Women have been at the core of Lebanon’s popular protests since they began on October 17, 2019, when women joined the protests in mass numbers and the image of a woman kicking a minister’s armed guard went viral, making her a national icon. Catalyzed by sweeping wildfires and a proposed tax on WhatsApp, Lebanon’s nation-wide protests are in response to a range of long-standing public grievances related to governance, accountability, corruption, human rights violations and economic deterioration. Today, women across the country, from diverse backgrounds, continue to drive the movement, leading on political organizing, civic engagement, gender justice advocacy, the de-escalation of violence, mediation, online mobilization and media coverage.
> report

Lebanon: A Revolution against Sectarianism
Chronicling the First Month of the Uprising

Nov 13, 2019 – By Joey Ayoub
Since October 17, Lebanon has experienced countrywide demonstrations that have toppled the prime minister and transformed Lebanese society. These demonstrations are part of a global wave of uprisings including Ecuador, Chile, Honduras, Haiti, Sudan, Iraq, Hong Kong, and Catalunya, in which the exploited and oppressed are challenging the legitimacy of their rulers.
> crimethinc.com

What are the next steps for Lebanon?

Nov 13, 2019 – Between now and year’s end, what do you propose stakeholders in your field should be doing?
> executive-magazine.com

Lebanese protests lacking a legitimate leader

Nov 11, 2019 – What is the way forward for Lebanon? This is a very tricky question. How can Lebanon reconcile the street’s demands with reality? How can the international community safeguard Lebanon from total collapse?
> arabnews.com

Nobody knows Lebanon’s problems better than its women. It’s time you started listening

Nov 8, 2019 – Lebanon’s women have been able to participate, lead, and shine because this uprising challenges the very pillars that govern our lives, writes Carmen Geha.
> alaraby.co.uk

Lebanon’s Richest Need To Take a Haircut

Nov 7, 2019 – At the root of the economic grievances fueling Lebanon’s mass protests lies what looks like a regulated Ponzi scheme. The problem will not be solved by a change of government—even with a cabinet of experts—or by injections of capital from friendly Arab states: it will require tougher measures, including a compulsory haircut for many of the country’s richest citizens.
> bloomberg.com

Why the key to Lebanon’s future may lie in its past

Nov 2, 2019 – As popular discontent grows with the current corrupt and sectarian political elite in Lebanon, I cannot but think of Fuad Chehab, who was president from 1958 until 1964. Chehab brought stability to the country and built its institutions. He would have been so happy to see the Lebanese reject sectarian leaders and the “Fromagistes,” or the cheese eaters, as he used to call corrupt politicians.
> arabnews.com

Lebanon’s Tripoli rises above lingering effects of war to revolt

Oct 29, 2019 – The demonstrations in Lebanon’s second-largest city, which is overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim, have a different feel from the rest of the country. The clarion call of the nationwide protests — “All of them means all of them” — that expresses a demand to rid the country of its entire political order has been changed in Tripoli to, “All of them means all of them … No, all of us means all of us”— a call for unity and for all Lebanese to band together, regardless of region, religion, or sect.
> madamasr.com

Lebanese women are breaking taboos to be face of protests

Oct 24, 2019 – Women say their strong presence in the protests has helped create a more secure environment and attract more people.
> thenational.ae

Lebanon’s historic rebellion faces its moment of reckoning

Oct 22, 2019 – After five days of non-stop and growing public demonstrations against the government, Lebanon faces an important moment of reckoning this Wednesday; one that might reveal the real balance of power in the great confrontation that is now underway.
> alaraby.co.uk

Lebanon is experiencing a social revolution

Oct 20, 2019 – The protests may not lead to political change, but they have already transcended Lebanon’s traditional social divides.
> aljazeera.com

Lebanon burns with hope and fury

Oct 18, 2019 – These demonstrations are a remarkable silver lining to a general ambiance of hopelessness and desperation. People who had given up on change in Lebanon are suddenly asking about the logistics and strategy of the movement, and an overwhelming sense of empowerment kept people of all ages and backgrounds out on the streets until after midnight on Thursday.
But to understand this sudden momentum against the establishment, it’s worth reflecting on a week of developments which have shown more clearly than ever the ugliness of Lebanese politics.
> alaraby.co.uk

“Lebanon Protests”

“Lebanon Protests” is an independent interactive platform based in open-data in collaboration between Data Aurora and Maharat Foundation.

This platform allows access to all researchers, students, professors, journalists, activists, institutions, etc; to benefit from all the data driven surveys and statistics related to the Lebanese revolution/protests. Also, giving access to daily updated statistics, and follow up on social media related subjects all over the world with free downloads.
> lebanonprotests.com/en

Protests around the world

Why the Middle East is being rocked by new wave of protests

Nov 3, 2019 – Across the region there is a demand for systemic change, not just the removal of one or more senior figures, writes Borzou Daragahi.
> independent.co.uk

Protests around the world explained

Oct 25, 2019 – The past few months have seen a seemingly massive surge in protests globally. From the streets of Hong Kong to La Paz, Port-au-Prince, Quito, Barcelona, Beirut and Santiago, we have witnessed a huge wave of people taking to the streets to exercise their right to protest and demand change from those in power.
> amnesty.org