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The next great tax reform: Universal Basic Income

Guy Standing
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought into sharp relief the irretrievable breakdown of the post-war income distribution system in the West that essentially ties income and benefits to employment. The past four decades have seen income, wealth, and power flowing increasingly to rentiers—owners of physical, financial, and so-called intellectual property—while the ranks of the global precariat swell, consigning workers to unstable jobs, low and erratic incomes, and insecure lives. But the pandemic may prove the undoing of that system, as paying people to stay home—indeed, to not do paid work—has become essential to survival.
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Bernie Sanders
91 of America’s richest corporations paid $0 in taxes on $100 billion in profits. 40% of America can’t afford a $400 emergency.
What Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said in 1968 is just as true today: This country has socialism for the rich and rugged individualism for the poor.