Canada – Universal Basic Income
BNN Bloomberg: Basic Income could accelerate Canada’s economic recovery | with Paul Smetanin, CANCEA
Dec 18, 2020 – Paul Smetanin, President & CEO of the Canadian Centre for Economic Analysis, joins BNN Bloomberg to discuss his firm’s independent study showing Basic Income can grow Canada’s economy sustainably and create hundreds of thousands of jobs— while ending poverty and growing the middle class. Full report & highlights:
New Report: Basic Income can speed up Canada’s recovery and grow the economy
Dec 11, 2020 – A new report by the Canadian Centre for Economic Analysis (CANCEA) gives us a first ever look at the economic impacts of a national Basic Income in Canada.
Basic income hailed as key in kickstarting the economy in a post-pandemic Canada
Dec 9, 2020 – A universal basic income would not only lift more than 3.2 million Canadians out of poverty, it would also create hundreds of thousands of new jobs, grow the economy by tens of billions of dollars and eventually pay for itself with increased tax revenues.