Germany – Universal Basic Income
German researchers test ‘money for nothing’ UBI on middle class in latest experiment
Jun 2, 2021 – What would you do differently if given nearly $1,500 every month for three years, no questions asked?
That’s the question German researchers will now put to a group of 122 people selected largely by random from over two million applicants across the country, as part of the first long-term empirical study examining universal basic income (UBI) for the middle class.
Money for nothing: Germany starts basic income experiment
Aug 26, 2020 – It sounds like an intriguing offer. For a period of three years some people get €1,200 a month for free. They only have to answer researchers’ questions about how they’re faring with this unconditional income.
The first basic income experiment in Germany will start in 2019
Basic income is going to be tested in Germany. The setup of the experiment will be similar to the one now ending in Finland, which means there will be an unconditional cash transfer to 250 randomly selected people among those already receiving benefits (250 others will act as the control group), and evaluate the impact in terms of labor market behavior, health and social relations.
Behind this initiative, to be initiated in 2019, is the Sanktionsfrei organization, a non-profit managed by volunteer professionals from administration, IT-tech, communications and law. Sanktionsfrei (meaning “free from sanctions”), with headquarters in Berlin, specializes in helping sanctioned citizens by the Hartz IV social security system in Germany. It will conduct this experiment in Berlin for a 3-year period.