South Africa – Basic Income
Yes, we can afford a Universal Basic Income Guarantee – It just needs political will
Jul 28, 2021 – The IEJ puts forward 19 tax proposals. These are options, and are not necessarily proposed as a package to be implemented simultaneously.
Universal income in South Africa will need a permanent source of funding: economist
Jul 27, 2021 – Speaking at a Mandela Day memorial lecture on Sunday (18 July), Ramaphosa said that a basic income grant would show people ‘that the government cared’.
President of South Africa announcing that they will be considering basic income in 2021.
— Scott Santens🧢🏄♂️ (@scottsantens) January 9, 2021
Taxpayers to foot the bill for proposed R243 billion universal income programme in South Africa
Oct 13, 2020
An economic recovery program, which is due to be presented by president Cyril Ramaphosa this week, indicates that government is considering the introduction of a basic income-grant.
The more than 100-page document, which has been seen by Bloomberg, indicates that the introduction of a basic-income grant could cost R243 billion a year and would necessitate tax increases.
In July, minister of Social Development Lindiwe Zulu said that South Africa will introduce a universal basic income grant as part of a range of packages to help the country’s unemployed.
Zulu did not provide details of how the grant would be funded or its size, but told a virtual press briefing it would be paid ‘post-October’.
South Africa to Replace Emergency Coronavirus Cash Transfer with Basic Income Grant
Jul 28, 2020
On 13 July, the Minister of Social Development Lindiwe Zulu announced that the government is intending to implement a basic income grant (BIG) from October 2020, the last month the coronavirus grant is available. A discussion document by the African National Congress (ANC) outlined that the government would adopt a graduated approach to implement the proposed universal grant. One of the first steps would be to provide the grant to the economically active and unemployed between the ages of 19 and 59, the same group that is now receiving the emergency coronavirus grant. This includes approximately 13 million individuals.
Government South Africa to introduce a universal basic income grant for the unemployed
Jul 15, 2020
The National Income Dynamics Study: Coronavirus Rapid Mobile Survey, set out to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on employment and welfare. It’s the largest survey yet to analyse the effects of COVID-19 in South Africa.
Simultaneously, Social Development Minister Lindiwe Zulu, has announced that government plans to introduce a Universal Basic Income Grant (UBIG), for those within the 18-59 year age group.
Not much detail has been provided on the universal grant, but the country’s structural poverty and inequalities still remain at the forefront.
Joining us now to discuss this, are Isobel Frye, Director of the Studies in Poverty and Inequality Institute; as well as Dr Mamphela Ramphele, South African political activist and academic.