United Nations – Universal Basic Income

United Nations

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres endorses a basic income

On 25th September 2018, António Guterres, the UN Secretary-General, urged world leaders to consider Unconditional Basic Income in his speech at the General Assembly of the UN.

“The Temporary Basic Income (TBI) schemes explored by UNDP are not a one-size-fits-all emergency measure, but allow for a scaled-up approach to cast a wide net on who qualifies. For example, when raising the threshold to include vulnerability lines, the scheme reaches 1.32 billion women costing $134 billion (PPP), or 0.18 percent of the GDP. To expand even further to cover all 2 billion women across the developing world, it will cost $231 billion (PPP) or 0.31 percent of GDP.”


UNDP calls for temporary basic income to help world’s poorest women cope with effects of COVID-19 pandemic
Mar 4, 2021 – A temporary basic income (TBI) given specifically to hundreds of millions of women in the world’s developing countries could prevent rising poverty and widening gender inequalities during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) report out today.
> undp.org/help-worlds-poorest-women-cope-effects-covid-19

Temporary Basic Income (TBI) to protect the world’s poorest people could slow the surge in COVID-19 cases, says UNDP
July 23, 2020 – The immediate introduction of a Temporary Basic Income for the world’s poorest people could slow the current surge in COVID-19 cases by enabling nearly three billion people to stay at home, according to a United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) report released today.
> news.un.org/en/story/2020/07/1068871
> undp.org/temporary-basic-income

The case for a universal basic income
Jul 10, 2020 – By Kanni Wignaraja, UN Assistant Secretary-General and UNDP Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific. “It is time to add a new element to the policy packages that governments are introducing, one we know but have abandoned: Universal Basic Income (UBI). It is needed as part of the package that will help us to get out of this yawning pit.”
> undp.org/the-case-for-a-universal-basic-income

UN Women

UN Women – Universal basic income: Potential and limitations from a gender perspective
Publication year: 2021
> UN Women policy brief

UN Women - Universal basic income: Potential and limitations from a gender perspective
World Bank

Exploring Universal Basic Income : A Guide to Navigating Concepts, Evidence, and Practices (English)

Nov 26, 2019 – Universal basic income (UBI) is emerging as one of the most hotly debated issues in development and social protection policy. But what are the features of UBI? What is it meant to achieve? How do we know, and what don’t we know, about its performance? What does it take to implement it in practice? Drawing from global evidence, literature, and survey data, this volume provides a framework to elucidate issues and trade-offs in UBI with a view to help inform choices around its appropriateness and feasibility in different contexts. Specifically, the book examines how UBI differs from or complements other social assistance programs in terms of objectives, coverage, incidence, adequacy, incentives, effects on poverty and inequality, financing, political economy, and implementation. It also reviews past and current country experiences, surveys the full range of existing policy proposals, provides original results from micro–tax benefit simulations, and sets out a range of considerations around the analytics and practice of UBI.
> World Bank UBI Guide