Trafficking in Human Beings (THB)

Menschenhandel effektiv bekämpfen

Prostitution für Freier unter Strafe stellen
Sep 9, 2019 – Zu den Überlegungen aus der SPD-Fraktion, die Erbringung sexueller Dienstleistungen für die Freier unter Strafe zu stellen, die Prostituierten selbst aber straffrei zu lassen („nordisches Modell“) erklären der stellvertretende Vorsitzende der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion, Thorsten Frei und die rechts- und verbraucherpolitische Sprecherin der CSU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion, Elisabeth Winkelmeier-Becker.

Germany slow to tackle human trafficking, rights evaluators find

Jun 20, 2019 – Evaluators praised Germany as a member of the 47-nation Council of Europe for amending its laws to safeguard trafficking victims originating from countries such as Romania and Nigeria, but they also said gaps remained in German data compilation and training for many officials on how to tackle the scourge.
Furthermore, Germany had failed to develop a “comprehensive national action plan” encompassing its 16 states, as the council’s Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) had requested in its last evaluation.

Germany: Nigerian women at growing risk from traffickers

Mar 15, 2019 – The new prostitute protection law in Germany was meant to identify victims of human trafficking – most of them migrant women. More than 18 months after the law came into effect, thousands continue to be targeted for exploitation, and the risk for Nigerian women seems to be increasing.