Ministry of State for Economic Empowerment of Women and Youth

The Ministry of State for Economic Empowerment of Women and Youth (EEWAY) supports the achievement of the sustainable development goals through the socio-economic empowerment of groups with less opportunities, especially women and youth; in addition to developing their choices towards improved and better living conditions.
> eeway.gov.lb

Violette Khairallah Safadi
Violette Khairallah Safadi
Minister of State for Economic Empowerment of Women & Youth, Lebanon
> biography

Exclusive Interview with H.E. Violette Khairallah Safadi

By Janine Ayoub
Violette Khairallah Safadi represents perfectly the Lebanese woman, feminine, strong and independent. The Minister of State for Economic Empowerment of Women and Youth opens up about the challenges facing her job and on her private life.
Aug 20, 2019 – The lives of millions of Lebanese women will be at stake. A plenary session in Parliament will be devoted exclusively to the study of projects and proposals of laws dealing with the rights of women. “A first in Lebanon and the Middle East,” said Violette Safadi in a press conference at the Grand Serail, sponsored by Prime Minister Saad Hariri. The young minister, very discreet since taking office in the government, continues to campaign for the women’s cause, and has just launched a revolutionary initiative in a context thats is still very obscure for the Lebanese woman. Several vital laws for the women’s cause are pending adoption such as the law against domestic violence, sexual harassment, early marriage, equal pay for men and women, the transmission of Lebanese nationality by mother and others. “I really want to work for women and young people. They represent more than half of society. On March 17, 2020, MPs will vote on several laws presented by different parties on many issues related to women. It will be a great victory for the Lebanese woman!”
> specialmagazine.co/en/details/exclusive-interview-with-he-violette-khairallah-safadi

Lebanese parliament to discuss women’s rights plans in March 2020

Special session to be held in March 2020 to examine wide-ranging set of measures.
Jul 30, 2019 – Parliament has committed to take up a comprehensive package of women’s rights-related law proposals for discussion at a special session scheduled for March 17, 2020, Prime Minister Saad Hariri and Minister of State for Economic Empowerment of Women and Youth Violette Safadi announced Tuesday.

The measures to be discussed would include proposals to reform the nationality law and allow women as well as men to pass citizenship to their children, to ban marriage under the age of 18, to implement a law on workplace sexual harassment, to make adjustments to the existing domestic violence law, as well as to make changes to the labor and social security law, Safadi said.

Safadi’s ministerial office has placed a counter on its website ticking down to the date. #EqualLebLaws
> pressreader.com/lebanon/the-daily-star-lebanon/20190731/281496457892904