Project DESIrE
DESIrE aims to generate a better understanding of the impact of different approaches to sex work legislation and policies on the prevalence of trafficking in human beings. DESIrE is particularly focused on four approaches in four different countries: The Netherlands, Croatia, Poland and Sweden. In brief, the Netherlands legalise sex work. The Swedish legislation targets the buyer and thus criminalises the demand side for sex work. In Croatia the sex workers are criminalised. In Poland the approach is somewhere in between.
Non-inclusion of Swedish data
This comparative report is based on country reports drafted by national teams in Croatia, The Netherlands and Poland. The first draft of the national report, submitted to the VUB by the Swedish team, was based on both qualitative and quantitative data. It was withdrawn after stakeholders and target groups that were interviewed withdrew their consent.
> project-desire.eu
> D3.2: Comparative Report (PDF)
> Handbook on demand in the context of human trafficking for sexual exploitation (PDF)