Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)

The Government of Sweden’s measures against sexual violence and harassment

January 2018
One of the Swedish Government’s gender equality policy sub-goals is that men’s violence against women must stop. With reference to #metoo, the following lists some examples of implemented and forthcoming measures to counteract sexual violence, harassment and assault.
> government.se/the-government-of-swedens-measures-against-sexual-violence-and-harassment

Fact sheet: National strategy to prevent and combat men’s violence against women

Stopping men’s violence against women is a priority issue for Sweden’s feminist government. The Government is therefore now presenting a national strategy to prevent and combat men’s violence against women.

The strategy contains measures that strengthen protection for and support to women subjected to violence, measures to combat violence in same-sex relationships as well as measures that counteract destructive masculinity and notions of honour. The strategy also emphasises the participation and responsibility of men in stopping the violence.

With a long-term strategy and a targeted action plan, the Government is laying the foundation for increasingly goal-oriented and coordinated action on men’s violence against women. Developing violence prevention measures is particularly important. These measures must reach all groups in society and be developed in a variety of arenas. The national strategy is included in the Government’s gender equality policy communication to the Riksdag (2016/17:10). The strategy spans a ten-year period and will come into force on 1 January 2017.

The strategy’s four objectives

  • Increased and effective preventive work to combat violence.
  • Improved detection of violence and stronger protection for and support to women and children subjected to violence.
  • More effective crime-fighting.
  • Improved knowledge and methodological development.

> Factsheet

New Swedish Gender Equality Agency inaugurated in Gothenburg

On 12 January, the new Swedish Gender Equality Agency was inaugurated in Gothenburg, with speeches by Minister for Gender Equality Åsa Regnér, Director-General Lena Ag, County Governor Anders Danielsson and chair of the municipal executive board, Ann-Sofie Hermansson. The Agency will contribute to strategic, coherent and sustainable governance and effective implementation of gender equality policy.

Tasks of the agency

  • Contribute to strategic, cohesive and sustainable governance and the effective implementation of gender equality policy.
  • Be responsible for follow-up, analysis, coordination and support based on the gender equality policy objectives.
  • Coordinate the national strategy to prevent and counter men’s violence against women, including honour-related violence and oppression, as well as prostitution and human trafficking for sexual purposes.
  • Collect and disseminate knowledge in its area of responsibility.
  • Examine matters concerning government grants for gender equality projects and women’s organisations.
  • Assist the Government in other respects on gender equality policy issues, such as international cooperation in the area.

> government.se/the-new-swedish-gender-equality-agency-inaugurated-in-gothenburg