Mexico – Feminist Foreign Policy / Política Exterior Feminista

Mexico’s 2021 midterm elections: Between Feminist Foreign Policy and domestic gender inequalities

Jun 4, 2021 – Known for its very high rates of violence against women (the number of femicides has been rising dramatically for years), Mexico yet attracts attention at the international level for its strong commtiment to gender equality, especially by adopting a Feminist Foreign Policy in 2020. We want to take stock of the situation and examine how the country’s Feminist Foreign Policy aligns with the domestic situation.

Mexico announces the adoption of its Feminist Foreign Policy

• Mexico becomes the first country in Latin America to adopt a feminist foreign policy.
• Worldwide, France, Canada, Norway and Sweden have such a foreign policy.
• The Feminist Foreign Policy of Mexico includes a gender perspective in the human rights approach.

Mexico - Feminist Foreign Policy

Jan 9, 2020 – In the framework of the XXXI Annual Meeting of Ambassadors and Consuls (REC) that is held at the Chancellery’s premises, this Thursday the Multilateral Policy segment of REC XXXI (Meeting of Ambassadors and Consuls) was held. In this segment, as the stamp that Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard has printed, the Feminist Foreign Policy of Mexico / Política Exterior Feminista de México (PEF) was announced, in line with the ambitious multilateral policy that our country has promoted and in support of the Mexican government’s commitment to the agenda of gender equality and non-discrimination.

The Feminist Foreign Policy of Mexico is founded on a set of principles that seek, from foreign policy, to promote government actions to reduce and eliminate structural differences, gender gaps and inequalities, in order to build a more just and prosperous society.

As an addition to other international examples, the Mexican PEF will seek to make the human rights approach, the gender perspective and intersectionality transversal, in all areas of Mexican foreign policy; make visible the contribution of women to foreign policy and global actions; and maintain consistency and congruence by focusing both outside and inside the SRE.

Mexico - Feminist Foreign PolicyThis strategy will be developed over the period 2020-2024 and will be made up of the following axes:

  1. Foreign policy with a gender perspective and external feminist agenda plus
  2. A joint SRE
  3. An SRE free of violence and safe for all
  4. Equality is seen
  5. The SRE is intersectional feminist

For each of these axes, specific actions have been defined, among which are: the presentation of the Manual of Principles of Foreign Policy; the adhesion of the Chancellery to the HeforShe program; the certification of representations abroad in NMX-R-025-SCFI-2015 regarding Labor Equality and Non-Discrimination; a series of workshops with key actors; the development of a perimeter of safe and violence-free quadrants in the immediate vicinity of the SRE; among other.

With these actions, Mexico becomes the first country in Latin America to adopt a feminist foreign policy alongside countries such as France, Canada, Norway and Sweden, reaffirming the importance of gender equality for the development of just, peaceful societies and happy.

The coordination of this project will be in charge of the Undersecretariat for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights, through the General Directorate of Human Rights and Democracy, which will carry out its monitoring and evaluation.

Mexico is committed to a multilateral foreign policy with gender equality, inclusiveness and democracy

Mexico - Feminist Foreign PolicyApr 3, 2019 – The progressive policy with a feminist vision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs promotes the construction of a new, fair and free society that also has a human perspective.

Therefore, the president of the 73rd UN General Assembly, María Fernanda Espinosa, the undersecretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights, Martha Delgado, as well as the head of Inmujeres, Nadine Gasman, met with women leaders from various fields. Senators, defenders of human rights and gender equality, businesswomen, academics, communicators, officials of the federal public administration, among others, participated in this dialogue.

At the meeting, Undersecretary Delgado acknowledged that Espinosa Garcés’s visit represents an opportunity to bring the Mexican gender agenda to multilateral foreign policy to “feed back and inspire not only the lives of women and girls in Mexico, but also share best practices with the highest representative of the main UN forum, for its universal and democratic character”.

As part of the multilateral foreign policy, said Undersecretary Delgado, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs seeks to bring global solutions to the local and vice versa. The emphasis is on policies that can have a tangible impact in favor of gender equality and non-discrimination. “For this, we have proposed this high priority as one of the five axes of action of a new transformative foreign policy,” he said.

In particular, work will be done to guarantee the rights of those who belong to vulnerable groups, promoting initiatives in favor of indigenous women and girls, in poverty, and those living with disabilities, to name a few, as well as promoting cooperation International for development with a gender perspective. Martha Delgado said that in parallel there is a commitment to empower women of the Mexican Foreign Service and those who work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to achieve a genuine feminist foreign policy, whose results permeate at the national level and in the three orders of government.

In this way, the meeting with women from different sectors served as the closing of the visit to Mexico of the president of the 73rd General Assembly of the United Nations. In addition to meeting with the president of Mexico, he met with different secretaries of state, including Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard; with whom he agreed that Mexico has a great agenda on issues of human rights, environment, security and happiness, issues coinciding with the United Nations Organization multilaterally.