19th anniversary of the Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (Oct 29, 2019)

UNSCR 1325 2019 UNOCI Malawi
United Nations

‘Real change’ involving women in peace and security, still too slow, Guterres tells Security Council

Oct 29, 2019 – The Women Peace and Security agenda must continue to be “one of the top priorities of the United Nations”, Secretary-General António Guterres told the Security Council on Tuesday, in an open debate on how best to accelerate change.
Mr. Guterres informed the Security Council that nearly two decades since resolution 1325 acknowledged the disproportionate and unique impact of armed conflict on women and girls, “women still face exclusion from peace and political processes”.
> news.un.org/en/story/2019/10/1050151

United Nations

Security Council Urges Recommitment to Women, Peace, Security Agenda, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2492 (2019)

Oct 29, 2019 – Pace of Change Too Slow, Says Secretary-General as Civil Society Briefers Spotlight Abandonment, Sidelining of Women Activists
The Security Council unanimously adopted resolution 2492 (2019) today, urging States to recommit themselves to its women, peace and security agenda — now approaching its twentieth anniversary — including by creating safe environments for women leaders, peacebuilders, human rights defenders and political actors around the globe.
> un.org/press/en/2019/sc13998.doc.htm


WILPF Analysis of the UN Security Council 2019 Open Debate on Women, Peace, and Security

Discussion Summary
Overall the 2019 open debate focused on the need for greater accountability and the full implementation of the WPS agenda. However, although the concept note for the debate and also the purported aim of the resolution both focused on accountability, only twenty-one states and regional blocs (23.08%) referenced accountability directly (i.e. regarding WPS implementation generally, gender-based violence, or sexual violence in conflict). The main focus of the debate was on meaningful participation, with substantial attention also to civil society, women human rights defenders, and women in peacekeeping and security sector. Many states and briefers recalled the Secretary-General’s report which highlights the critical importance of women’s meaningful participation in peace processes and the implementation of peace agreements, the protection of civil society space and the work of women peacebuilders and human rights defenders, as well as a call for action and necessary response on prevention of sexual violence in conflict. In their response statement to an explanation of the vote on the new resolution, the United Kingdom strongly emphasised that “focus should now be on delivering on the ambition of the full existing framework of Women, Peace and Security resolutions, and not producing more texts.”
> WILPF Analysis
> WILPF Newsletter 19th Anniversary of UNSCR 1325


The 10 Steps: Turning Women, Peace and Security Commitments to Implementation

On Tuesday 29 October, GAPS launched its latest consultation report – The 10 Steps: Turning Women, Peace and Security Commitments to Implementation – as part of “Women, Peace and Security week” during the United Nations Security Council open debate on Women, Peace and Security. The report was launched at a joint event of the International Peace Institute, the UK Mission to the UN, the German Mission to the UN and the South African Mission to the UN. Share the report and follow the conversation on Twitter using #WPS10Steps.
> GAPS 10 Steps
> GAPS Newletter: 19th Anniversary of UNSCR 1325
> Download PDF