Women and Peace and Security Focal Points Network (WPS FPN)

The Women and Peace and Security Focal Points Network (WPS FPN) was created to assist Member States and regional organizations to improve and strengthen the implementation of the women and peace and security agenda at the origin of decision-making processes.

The Network affirms that Member States, regional organizations and the United Nations are the most influential actors in the implementation of the women and peace and security agenda and have the primary responsibility for ensuring that global commitments and obligations are effectively integrated into domestic policies and legislation.

Learn more about the WPS Focal Points Network > undocs.org/en/S/2018/178

WPS Focal Points Network is a digital platform for online engagement allowing its members to collaborate and engage. With a suite of tools and features, it can be a space to think out loud, learn from each other, connect, collaborate and co-create.
> wpsfocalpointsnetwork.org

Our founder and chair, Ambassador Swanee Hunt, gave the keynote address on Sep 23, 2016, at the United Nations launch of a new global network that will share ideas and best practices on how to advance women as decision-makers in peace and security > inclusivesecurity.org/spain-network-women-peace-security