Women’s Day Czechia
Women’s Right to Vote in Czechia
Feb 29, (1920)
Number of female heads of state to date: 0
For the city council elections of June 15, 1919, the same conditions applied to women and men for the first time.
Before the separation of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, women in Czechoslovakia were granted universal right to vote and stand for election at the national level on February 29, 1920. The election for the National Assembly of Czechoslovakia took place on April 18 and 25, 1920. Fifteen women were elected to the Chamber of Deputies in April 1920, and three women to the Senate in March 1920. Before that, women had been elected to the federal parliament of Czechoslovakia.
After independence in 1992, universal suffrage for women and men was confirmed in 1993.
> second.wiki/wiki/frauenwahlrecht_in_ostmittel-_und_osteuropa
The 1920 Constitution
The constitutional document of the Czech Republic was eventually adopted after several hours of debate on February 29, 1920. Czechoslovakia was to become a democratic republic where the source of all power rested with its people.
› vlada.cz/en/media-centrum/aktualne/constitution-1920-68721/
8 Czech Women Known Throughout the Entire World
The Czech Republic is rightfully proud of its famous women and likes to remind the rest of the world that one particular lady born in Prague was the first woman to become a US Secretary of State, or that a female-architect from the Moravian town of Zlín designed a number of buildings in London. You can read more about these and others right here.
› czechtourism.com/n/famous-czech-women/