Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

SDGs Sustainable Development Goals United Nations

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Sweden

Sweden is deeply committed to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a comprehensive framework comprising 17 goals aimed at addressing global challenges by 2030. The Swedish government has integrated the SDGs into national policies and strategies, collaborating with various stakeholders to promote sustainable development both domestically and internationally.

National Implementation and Monitoring:
Sweden has established robust mechanisms to implement and monitor progress towards the SDGs:

  • Government Coordination: The Swedish government coordinates SDG implementation across ministries and agencies, ensuring policy coherence and alignment with sustainable development priorities.
  • Statistics Sweden: Monitors and reports on SDG indicators, providing data-driven insights to track progress, inform policy decisions, and prioritize resource allocation.

International Cooperation:
Sweden actively participates in international cooperation to advance sustainable development globally:

  • Development Aid: Providing development assistance, technical expertise, and financial support to developing countries to achieve the SDGs.
  • Global Leadership: Engaging in global forums, partnerships, and initiatives to share best practices, advocate for sustainable development goals, and contribute to global efforts to address transnational challenges.

SDSN / the Bertelsmann Stiftung

Sustainable Development Report

The Sustainable Development Report (formerly the SDG Index & Dashboards) is a global assessment of countries’ progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. It is a complement to the official SDG indicators and the voluntary national reviews.
Sustainable Development Report Sweden

Voluntary National Review 2017

Sweden wants to be a leader in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda – both nationally and globally.
The 2030 Agenda involves a process of gradual transition and further development of the Swedish social model as a modern and sustainable welfare state. Everyone should be involved in this process; no one should be left behind! It is essential with broad ownership, among all actors in society. Ownership and participation that are developed and deepened over time. The shared commitment, building on knowledge and insight, from local to national level, creates the necessary foundation.

The effective implementation of the 2030 Agenda is demonstrated through decisions and measures in day-to-day activities and existing governance processes. Regular activities in the public sector – and in society as a whole – must be permeated by sustainable development as expressed in the 2030 Agenda.

The strenghtened cooperation between all actors that will be needed to implement the 2030 Agenda reinforces the core values and cohesion of Swedish society. This increases Sweden’s competitiveness as a knowledge and innovation nation and enables Sweden to contribute at global level.

The partnership-driven process in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda will be developed with innovative thinking in terms of strategic and operational governance. This is the key to strengthened institutional capacity and willingness to change, as well as effective mobilisation and use of resources, in the public and private sector as well as in the civil society.

Internationally, Sweden is working for increased cooperation and new partnerships between countries, business, the social partners, civil society organisations and the knowledge-based society in different parts of the world. Sweden’s focus and contributions target equitable and sustainable global development. The Government is pursuing an ambitious coherence policy that places the rights perspective and the perspective of poor people at the core. Solidarity is a cornerstone of this work. Engagement at local level is crucial. Gender equality and all women’s and girls’ full enjoyment of human rights is a prerequisite for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in Sweden and in the world.