Women’s Day Slovakia
Women’s Right to Vote in Slovakia
February 29, 1920
Number of female heads of state to date: 2

Nifra (Jan 16, 1988, Michalovce, Slovakia) real name Nikoleta Frajkorová, is a Slovak trance DJ and producer.
In the constitution of Czechoslovakia of February 29, 1920 the general active and passive right to vote for women was introduced. After independence, it was confirmed in 1993.
Fifteen women were elected to the Chamber of Deputies of the national parliament of Czechoslovakia in April 1920, three women to the Senate in March 1920. The National Council , which was elected before the dissolution of Czechoslovakia , became the first legislative body in Slovakia after independence on January 1, 1993. The independent country’s first general election took place in September 1994 when 22 female MPs were elected to the legislative body, which had 150 members. According to another source, fifteen women were elected to parliament in 1994.
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Facts and figures
Leadership and political participation – [UN Women]
IPU-UN Women in politics map – [IPU]