Gender Gap

World Economic Forum

Global Gender Gap Report

The Global Gender Gap Report benchmarks countries on their progress towards gender parity across four thematic dimensions: Economic Participation and Opportunity, Educational Attainment, Health and Survival, and Political Empowerment.

Rank: 16 (out of 153 countries)
Score: 0.781

Rank: 10 (out of 144 countries)
Score: 0,790

Rank: 7 (out of 144 countries)
Score: 0.786

Women can unlock ASEAN economic potential: envoy

The Philippines is a bright spot for gender inclusivity in the region. The country ranks 7th among 144 governments in the World Economic Forum Global Gender Gap report.
Vietnam ranked 65th, Myanmar placed 85th while Indonesia was at the 88th spot.
The Philippines also has the highest number of women in top management positions followed by Vietnam and Indonesia.